Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hi Dad!!

So one interesting little factoid that I learned this week is that apparently most of my family reads my blog :-o

At first it kind of threw me off because, yes, as my dad pointed out "thats why people write blogs so that others can read it" which is true and I have never been overly shy about letting people know I have a blog. However, for me it has always been more of just something to do during the day, a filler. Also a bit of a creative release. I am not an extremely creative person (if you haven't noticed!) but I have found writing these posts to be a great way for me to hold onto a bit of the past. I don't keep a diary and have been trying to get better at not hoarding things (keepsakes or what is more commonly referred to as "dust collectors") so this blog has been a great source of nostalgia for me, a walk down memory lane; the time frames in the last year or so that I wasn't blogging were times that I don't really want to remember! The absence of posts is reminder enough =)  So at first when I came to the realization that not only friends but also family members (which is a bit more daunting. Why? I have no idea! I suppose I value their opinion the most and find that maybe I worry what they will think...which is odd because they are very non judgemental people anyways! Ahh my thinking is so off kilter huh?) were reading my blog I was a little freaked out but now I am totally comfortable with it. Soooo without further ado --

Hi Mom
Hi Dad
Hi Mattie
Hi Cull
Hi Laur'nen
And Hi Jack (feel obligated to say hola to #3 even though I am quite certain he has no interest in this blog)

One more thing before I skidaddle and hop on the 5:00 boat. YES, I am taking a boat home today!! woohoo I am happily headed to the bf's house for the night, whom decided to take the day off and instead messed around getting a root canal or something of that sort, then jetted off to the store to get stuff to make pizza tonight. YUM.

So my dad noticed that he is barely mentioned in any of my posts soooo I hereby dedicate this post to you daddio =)  Plus, ya know we keep looking for a special song and although this can't compete with Matties song or Liv's bumpin Beyonce song, you and I have talked a few times about how much we love this particular Van Morrisson how bout we just make it ours?! :)

You can take all the tea in china

Put it in a big brown bag for me
Sail right around the seven oceans
Drop it straight into the deep blue sea
She�s as sweet as tupelo honey
She�s an angel of the first degree
She�s as sweet as tupelo honey
Just like honey from the bee

You can�t stop us on the road to freedom
You can�t keep us �cause our eyes can see
Men with insight, men in granite
Knights in armor bent on chivalry
She�s as sweet as tupelo honey
She�s an angel of the first degree
She�s as sweet as tupelo honey
Just like honey from the bee

You can�t stop us on the road to freedom
You can�t stop us �cause our eyes can see
Men with insight, men in granite
Knights in armor intent on chivalry
She�s as sweet as tupelo honey
She�s an angel of the first degree
She�s as sweet as tupelo honey
Just like honey from the bee

What do ya think? :)

Hope everyones having a great day!


Sarah said...

My grandmother and mother BOTH read my I'm a little wary of that when I post, but not too much.
Have a great weekend!

'Nelley said...

lol! family rocks! For me its my mom, my brothers, my sisters in law, my work friends, my cousins and aunts and uncles in trinidad and tobago, my cousins in europe, my younger cousins in the states, etc. And whoever is missed, my mom emails them the link.
I have 2 blogs now. the public one - and the private one that I don't advertise to them AT ALL! (
It's the only way to be truly honest.
I love them all but.... i think we'll just leave it at that. BUT!

Have a great weekend with the boytoy, hee hee hee!