Friday, June 21, 2013

Pinterest... I'm officially a Bride.

Being a social media junkie (personally and professionally), I've had a Pinterest account for quite some time now but up until, oh about 3 weeks ago, I rarely used it. Oh, have the tides changed. I go on it every night, I'm serious, every night and sometimes during the day too... and what are my searches, you ask?

- weddings
- wedding flowers
- wedding dresses
- wedding colors
- bridesmaids fun
- groomsmen attire
Snapshot of my pins! 

You get the general picture. I've become Pinterest obsessed and all I can blame it on is my newest title, "Bride to Be".

Since I obviously have nothing else on my mind lately (besides getting my company off it's feet), let's talk about my wedding ring :)

Just typing it literally makes me smile! haha

I'm not a super flashy person (like, at all, I'm at Starbucks right now in gym gear, no makeup, no jewelry and messy hair - oy), and although diamond rings are beautiful, I just always loved the idea of a sapphire ring. So when Geo got down on one knee and presented me with a sapphire ring, I was beyond excited. I was even more excited when I recognized the ring as my Grandmother's :)

My family was very close to my Mom's parents, Grams and Da, so much that my Da lived with us for a few years before he passed away. My Grams passed away when I was in elementary school but I (and probably my brother, Cullen) have many memories of her and were lucky enough to spend much of our childhood with her. And my grandfather, Da was just an amazing man. Truly a one of a kind gentleman. Before he got sick with Alzheimer's, I don't have a single memory of him ever getting angry or frustrated, I'm sure he did but he was always full of happiness and kindness when around us kids. Beyond his kind demeanor, he was also an incredibly devoted and loving husband. Driving my license-free Grams around for their entire marriage, always going out of his way to help her in the kitchen, garden, household duties, and working overtime to purchase her this ring that he knew she loved. He really just wanted to make her happy, and he did whatever he could do to make that happen. My Mom gave Geo this ring, knowing that I'd love it, and I couldn't be happier. It means so much to me for so many reasons :)


Lauren said...

what a wonderful story behind your ring! And honestly, I'm so glad that Pinterest didn't even exist when we got married...I would have taken forever to plan!

Post Grad Hair Cut said...

Your sapphire is stunning! Hooray for pretty rings!