Thursday, October 10, 2013


I've been wanting to update this little blog of mine for the last couple weeks and every time I sit down to do so, I'm instantly overwhelmed by all the things I want to write about. Naturally, this interrupts my interest in writing anything and I typically travel over to or Facebook - this is what I do when procrastinating in any facet of my life. But tonight I'm taking a stand and posting!

Do I talk about how happy I am with the people I have in my life? Because I am. I have great friends and am reminded by this every time I get together with the girls! Do I mention that George and I have decided to move in with my parents to save money for a house? Because we are, and I'm so excited about this! The idea of us having our own home is thrilling to me. I'm also very happy to be moving closer to all those girlfriends I mentioned a minute ago. Or maybe I should talk about the wedding plans we've been making? Because they are fully underway and progressing fairly well. We've chosen a band - big step! And many of the smaller details are coming together, giving me the chance to really see what this day will be like for us.

Wait, I know what I should talk about... it's 11:30 pm and my alarm will be going off at 6 am. I should be talking about NOTHING. I should be sleeping.

Goodnight :)
Just because I love this pic :) 

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