We then went on and measured oursevlves in all the necessary area's and called it a day; vowing to stay true to the competition we had submitted ourselves to (lose goal weight by June, winner takes home jack pot). Last week was our first week of dieting and exercise. Want to know what I said to that?
"HA I am going to go straight home every night and get into bed. I am then going to gorge myself with as much food as possible. I am going to eat ice cream as much as I want. I am not going to exercise. And I am going to do this everyday for the rest of the week."
And that is exactly what I did! It was so dreary and rainy and snowy and gross and blah blah blah - I can think of a hundred excuses for my unhealthy week. Yet, what is important is that this week I woke up with no excuses, only plans :) For one, I went to the grocery store last night and cooked up all healthy meals for the rest of the week. For two, I went and got a gym membership yesterday and am heading there right after work. FYI Power Fitness is a realllly cheap and great gym. $20 bucks a month, can't beat that! The sun finally decided to grace us with a bit of warmth and light the past couple days and I think I can safely thank mother nature for my renewed energy and spirit!
On another note, I just signed up to be part of a local "Wine and Dine" book club. I am so excited to meet some new people and get involved in something a bit out of the norm. However, we are trying to choose a book to read and can't come to any conclusions. This is the list I provided:
Josephine Tey, The Daughter of Time
Antonio Munoz, Sepharad
Ann-Marie MacDonald, Fall on Your Knees
Wally Lamb, The Hour I First Believed
Ann-Marie MacDonald, Fall on Your Knees
Wally Lamb, The Hour I First Believed
Does anyone have any other suggestions?
At the moment I am reading, The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski.
I just started it and although it is written beautifully I have found the storyline to be a bit to0 subdued and uneventful for my liking. I believe the writer hoped for it to be more poetic then anything else and that it is. The story, so far, is about a young boy who is growing up on a farm. His dad is a dog breeder and much of the novel takes places in and around the crevices of not only the relationships formed on this farm but the farm itself; every leak and creak having a tale of its own. I have yet to get to the climax of the story but once I do I will let you know if it gets any better :)

Ok folks, I am off to brave the windy wicked weather that has swept into Boston this afternoon!
Have a lovely night :-)
yay! i agree, the wkend was sooo lovely and you remember how good the spring and summer feel!
Good luck with your new routine. I left you an award on my blog!
If you like to read you might like my book. I like your site. you can read a chapter of Social Climbers at www.socialclimbers.net. I will check back. xoxo
Cute blog!!!
hey,i navigated over from a Majority of Two.
Me's a bookworm meself :)
Reading suggestions,um..you could go for The Kite runner by Khaled Hosseini.
If you're into chicklit,ggrab *chasing harry winston* by lauren weisberger( of the devil wears prada fame).
oh and,try the Twilight series by stephanie meyer,everyones reading it lol. And The Host by the same!
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