I love love love Christmas time. Mostly I love it because it signifies time with my family, who I can't get enough of. BUT there are a few other reasons why I love this holiday, and seeing as though we have 22 days left until the big day, I am going to list 22 reasons why I love Christmas time!
1. EGG NOG (obviously)
2. The holiday bustle, everyones so excited!
4. Fires in the rarely used fireplace :)
5. Little kids xmas outfits
6. Xmas ornaments and all their sparkle!
7. Driving around admiring and comparing
others outside decor
8. Snowmen
9. SLEDDING!!!!!!!!! (I love it, can ya tell?)
10. New socks, I always get them at xmas!
11. Midnight Mass
12. The food (kind of a given)
13. Stocking stuffers
14. Having New Years to look foward to!
15. Elf
16. The coziness of bars (odd but true!)
17. Hot chocolate
18. Mariah Careys xmas music hehe
19. Mistle toe!
20. Dorky Santa hats that everyone wears
21. Icicles
Well there you have it, my 22 reasons for excitement!
Plus a little bonus fun, congrats on making it to hump day!! :)

Hey! Thank for your comment. I'm also a blonde bookworm! Lol. I look forward to reading more of your blog!
Oh, and I completely agree on your list of reason to love the season. I LOVE Marriah Carey's Christmas album. Its my favorite! And Midnight Mass.
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