Friday Fact
Friday Fact
(As in your own PERSONAL ones, although I would take the actors too)
(kisses from the boyfriend, yay!)
Now onto the meaning of the title for this post... Last week I went to this great little bar in the South End with some friends ->
(that is a pic from outside the bar) and it was a really nice time. I had to be dragged out by my persistent and lovely friend Weebes and once there I was grateful for his insistence :) We munched on some tasty appetizers and waited for the rest of the clan. Soon there were 4 of us and shortly after that there were 5 of us. Two couples and then me. I didn't stay long after the 5th person got there but not because I felt uncomfortable or lonely but because that one beer was slowly starting to enter my system and my droopy, drowsy eyes were beginning to make an appearance! But as I walked home I started thinking about the situation I am in with my boyfriend. While he is away studying and being an uber dork (hehe jk sweets) I am here in Bean town being forced to succumb to that ever so dreadful label "The third, fifth, seventh wheel" BUT I have discovered I happen to actually enjoy this! This was my epiphany as I trudged home last Thursday night, and every other night I play third wheel to friends (my two neighbors in particular) I like watching other couples interact and most of all I like the feeling I get leaving these situations; it makes me miss him but it also makes me really value our time together. Being with other couples reminds me of what I have to look foward to when the bf comes home. So that was my big moment of "enlightenment" last week, did you have one?
Just for a chuckle, here is how the ever so knowledgable "Urban Dictionary" defines a third wheel, (note - is not factual and extremely crass!)
1. Third Wheel
One who deters the socialization of a couple, perhaps when being invited out of pitty or through a feeling of duty. This person may be eased into the situation by being allowed to stay in an envirnment he or she has become accustomed to (perhaps a kitchen, where the third wheel can bake cookies for the couple.) The third wheel may feel uncomfortable about watching the couple canoodle on his her her sofa, but none of this is taken into consideration.
Third Wheel
A person hanging out with two people (usually a couple) that are in a sence leaving him/her out. Called the third wheel because either: -Having any odd number of wheels on an object generally messes it up. -Third wheel on a bike makes a tricycle, something thats safe for kids be left alone with.
Well, if your bringing your girlfriend, I'll have to take my cousin with me, don't wanna be the third wheel.
Third Wheel
To be the friend that sits there while your friend gets some and you get nothin but yourself.
The other day when I was sittin in my basement with Nate and this female I had to third wheel it
My HOT PINK umbrella
Last but not least, my HOMEMADE rainproof suitcase
1. I received my first ever comment today!! Woohoo, thank you Brooke, who knew blogging could supply you with such a high!
2. I am reading a fantabulous book called, The Secret Life of Bees, and it is quite possibly one of the best books I have read in the last month or two. It is sweet and endearing yet maintains a thread of core values and life lessons throughout the whole story. Being a recent victim of the big four lettered word (L.O.V.E, just in case I had to spell it out for ya) the pages inspired by love and hope had me kind of spellbound.
"Did you know there are thirty-two names for love in one of the Eskimo languages? And we just have this one. We are so limited, you have to use the same word for loving Rosaleen as you do for loving a Coke with peanuts. Isn't that a shame we don't have more ways to say it?"
- pg. 141
Do you have a different way of saying that lovely word that implies the feeling of love? Maybe if we can get the words we use out there and into the open, then we (as well as the eskimos) will have 32 ways of saying it :)
Just for the heck of it -
(Ta gra agam ort Jeff - just for being a good trooper sweets, I told you I'd write about you at some point!)
Lastly, Belle Maison, http://www.bellemaison23.com/ has fantastic decorating sites that are definitely worth taking a look at.
Oh and they are from DSW and onlyyyyy $49. 95 - talk about a bargain.