Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It Does the Body GOOOOD.

There is nothing like vacation, nothing at all. Half the fun is the build up to it, having something to look forward to and knowing that you'll soon have a reprieve from the daily frustrations/monotony of life. I don't consider myself a very high maintenance person but one thing I truly need in my life is vacation. When I first met Geo, he was pretty much the opposite. However, I'm happy to say that I think he's come around to my way of living :) We really treasure our escapes and that's why pictures are so important!

Here are some from Mexico that I've been meaning to post:

I love these top three photos because I'm never this excited about going home but this time we had such exciting news to share with our friends and family (our engagement!) that you can tell I was happy :)

Mexico was amazing for many reasons but our family trip to Maine last week was also a great time.

First ice cream trip of the week (with many more to follow...), with the roof off. Who brought the cool kids? 

Our wedding venue offers wifi in their canoes... do I need to say more?

G's first time looking at where we'll be married! It was so beautiful and such a nice touch to our already lovely week. The food was delish and the DYI tour was fun too :) 

Liv fell asleep in the sun, so naturally her family members came to the rescue.

On a side note, Geo and I moved our mattress into the living room a couple weeks ago so that my sisters could sleep over and we'd all be in one room together (minus Geo), however the bf and I have gotten a little too comfy with it being right in front of the tv...

PS. Yesterday we ended our night by doing the NYT crossword puzzle together, it was silly and dorky and such a great way to end the day :)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Things I loved today...

Not every day is a great day but I'm realizing it's important to notice even the smallest, more insignificant moments and find greatness in them. So in an effort to do so, let's talk about today... It was a fairly typical day but there were some things I really loved about it :)

1. Geo and I commuted into the city together. Usually I work from home but today I spent the day in the city for a client meeting and to review some things with my business partner. Did I enjoy the sweaty, stinky, stuffy ride in on the T? No. Did I enjoy every second of sitting next to my fiancee during a time of the day that we normally aren't together? Yes. Who wouldn't want to T it in with that face? :D

2. The smell of coffee in the morning - is there anything better?

3. Reading quotes by Gretchen Rubin in a Good Housekeeping magazine. I read her book, "The Happiness Project" last year and took so much away from it. Gretchen suggests that everyone create their own list of commandments, that they then live by, here are hers" 
Her book really struck a cord with me but if you're looking for just a snapshot of what she has to say about happiness, check out her blog! :) http://www.happiness-project.com/

4. Lastly, I really loved ending my day with Geo. Our schedules are so busy lately, it's truly rare that we spend a night alone, on the couch, cuddling and watching our favorite shows together. Tonight was one of the nights we did that and I loved it.

Now that I'm sitting here writing this post, I realize I could go on and on about the things I loved today, which just goes to show me that maybe it wasn't just a typical day, maybe if I sit down and think about my days more often, I'll realize how special each one is. Not a bad idea, not bad at all!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Ever feel like your brain is just twirling and swirling and there's no end in sight? That is how I feel this week. There are so many loose ends in every facet of my life that need to be reeled in and sorted out.

Here are some of the issues at hand...

1. We spent much of our 4th of July weekend with Geo's family and it was the first time we saw many of his family members post our engagement, so there was lots of wedding excitement going on. Which was great and so much fun to talk about, however I had kind of stopped thinking about wedding planning (I mean it's over a year away, I've got ages to sort it out, right?), but after talking about it with them I started to think of ALL the things that need to get done, one of them being figure out the music. 

How are we going to get everyone off there butts, on their feet and GROOVING?! 

Since we aren't serving alcohol at our wedding, we need to have killer music! We've started to put a playlist together but I'd love to hear if any readers (if there are any!) have song "MUSTS". Two of our favorites are: 

2. Since our wedding isn't until October, 2014 we are going to use this year to save and hopefully purchase a house before the big day. I've been drawn to coastal towns for a long time and George grew up in one, so needless to say, we are both in love with a coastal town :) Scituate, MA is perfectly us. 

One thing I'm not over-thinking or stressing about is my family vacation to Maine next week. I. CANNOT. WAIT.