Monday, July 9, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Working on it.
Enjoying the days spent doing laundry, grocery shopping, house fixing, cooking and Social Drive stuff.
- working on it.
Loving your body the way it is, even though your belly isn't flat, nails are in constant need of polish and your arms have no definitely/tone to them.
- working on it
Making sly comments to George about vacationing - he gets the point, and as soon as you choose a date/place and airfare you'll go somewhere.
- working on it
Not taking on the stresses/problems of your family members, not trying to fix everything.
- working on it
Stop assuming that you're always wrong, or that when shit hits the fan it's your fault - take yourself more seriously, professionally and just give yourself more credit!!
- working on it
Get up earlier and go for a run/to the gym
- working on it
Make more time for friends and make your own plans, don't rely on the bf so much
- working on it
This is my "work on it" list :) For my health and self esteem these are things I reallllly need to work on!
Things I'm happy with:
- Stubbornness levels have decreased since high school (bigggg relief to my family)
- Being okay wearing a one piece! I use to squeeze myself into a 2 piece to fit in but a couple years ago I realized how foolish that was! haha Not only do I look better in a one piece by I feel better - so much more comfortable and there are some really cute ones out there nowadays! :)
- How I handle most tense topics with George, I can't remember the last time we had a shouting match. We are pretty good at verbalizing our problems; at the end of the day we both just really want one another to be happy which makes for a great relationship :) Mostly when I'm upset or something annoys me rather than attack, I slowly approach it and/or make a joke about - both are effective.
- Making more time to read a good boook
- When I'm unhappy with my life I change it, sometimes it takes me awhile to do so but looking back at the last year I see what I've done and I'm really proud. I take chances, try new things and if it doesn't work out, at least I tried... global rescue `~ restaurant/social media consulting ~ fail but then found HFM ~ bought a car ~ took my sister and I to Italy for a week ~ got a laptop and am now attempting to start my own company (w/a partner).
- The fact that I just wrote out all these things that I like about myself. Typically I'd see this as bragging or boasting but it's not, and it's good that I'm realizing this... it's okay to give yourself a pat on the shoulder once in awhile :)
- working on it.
Loving your body the way it is, even though your belly isn't flat, nails are in constant need of polish and your arms have no definitely/tone to them.
- working on it
Making sly comments to George about vacationing - he gets the point, and as soon as you choose a date/place and airfare you'll go somewhere.
- working on it
Not taking on the stresses/problems of your family members, not trying to fix everything.
- working on it
Stop assuming that you're always wrong, or that when shit hits the fan it's your fault - take yourself more seriously, professionally and just give yourself more credit!!
- working on it
Get up earlier and go for a run/to the gym
- working on it
Make more time for friends and make your own plans, don't rely on the bf so much
- working on it
This is my "work on it" list :) For my health and self esteem these are things I reallllly need to work on!
Things I'm happy with:
- Stubbornness levels have decreased since high school (bigggg relief to my family)
- Being okay wearing a one piece! I use to squeeze myself into a 2 piece to fit in but a couple years ago I realized how foolish that was! haha Not only do I look better in a one piece by I feel better - so much more comfortable and there are some really cute ones out there nowadays! :)
- How I handle most tense topics with George, I can't remember the last time we had a shouting match. We are pretty good at verbalizing our problems; at the end of the day we both just really want one another to be happy which makes for a great relationship :) Mostly when I'm upset or something annoys me rather than attack, I slowly approach it and/or make a joke about - both are effective.
- Making more time to read a good boook
- When I'm unhappy with my life I change it, sometimes it takes me awhile to do so but looking back at the last year I see what I've done and I'm really proud. I take chances, try new things and if it doesn't work out, at least I tried... global rescue `~ restaurant/social media consulting ~ fail but then found HFM ~ bought a car ~ took my sister and I to Italy for a week ~ got a laptop and am now attempting to start my own company (w/a partner).
- The fact that I just wrote out all these things that I like about myself. Typically I'd see this as bragging or boasting but it's not, and it's good that I'm realizing this... it's okay to give yourself a pat on the shoulder once in awhile :)
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Olivia - Feel Better Video
You all know I'm obsessed with this kid, right?
Wow. What a weekend. Ikea trip, grocery store, apartment stuff, sliced finger, ER visit, visit with my family, visit with his family, business meeting, quality time on the couch, coffee, cookies, pizza, cribbage, oh and did I mention the ER visit?
It was a busy, hectic and tiresome weekend. I'm glad my hunkabunka hottay is doing better, he jabbed his finger with a steak knife and yikes, it looked like a scene right out of Dexter! A couple hours in the ER and 5 stitches later we were in the car en route to my family's house.
PS. It's freaking hot out. I'm pretty miserable. And I really don't feel like doing anything work related. Oh woe is me...
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
You stood me up.
Me - "Ok, let's meet in the bathroom at 10pm and have a tooth-brushing date, deal?"
Geo - "Great!" Big smile, smooch on the cheek and off he goes.
Finally set the laptop aside, turn off the crappy show I had on and call out, "ready, hon?!".
No answer.
"George..." I head down the hall, assuming he's got his headphones on, talking to his co-pilot, fellow comrades and or commander (yes, I'm dating a man who chooses to spend some of his spare time playing video games).
Nope, he's not in the office/mancave (FYI - never call ur hubbys mancave a "play room", apparently it's not that amusing. hehe)
Head to the bedroom. Sprawled out on the bed, laptop/cellphone/fuelband surrounding you, fan & tv on.
You fell asleep. You stood me up on our wicked hot bathroom date. LEFT ME HIGH AND DRY.
And I couldn't be more in love with you. You stay up too late most nights and there you were, all wiped out, with all your toys covering the bed and I, in that moment felt so very lucky to have you in my life.
Your stinky breath and all :)
Geo - "Great!" Big smile, smooch on the cheek and off he goes.
Finally set the laptop aside, turn off the crappy show I had on and call out, "ready, hon?!".
No answer.
"George..." I head down the hall, assuming he's got his headphones on, talking to his co-pilot, fellow comrades and or commander (yes, I'm dating a man who chooses to spend some of his spare time playing video games).
Nope, he's not in the office/mancave (FYI - never call ur hubbys mancave a "play room", apparently it's not that amusing. hehe)
Head to the bedroom. Sprawled out on the bed, laptop/cellphone/fuelband surrounding you, fan & tv on.
You fell asleep. You stood me up on our wicked hot bathroom date. LEFT ME HIGH AND DRY.
And I couldn't be more in love with you. You stay up too late most nights and there you were, all wiped out, with all your toys covering the bed and I, in that moment felt so very lucky to have you in my life.
Your stinky breath and all :)
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
I get it...
It's been a long day and you're stressed out. The job is harder than you'd expected, your boss is on your butt about everything and you're feeling in over your head. I really do get it.
This does not mean you can be rude or bossy to me. So please think before you speak because next time my response won't be, "oh, ok, sure not a problem". Next time I will kung fu your butt and sneakily delete all future meetings from your calendar. Take that!
Your Co-Worker
This does not mean you can be rude or bossy to me. So please think before you speak because next time my response won't be, "oh, ok, sure not a problem". Next time I will kung fu your butt and sneakily delete all future meetings from your calendar. Take that!
Your Co-Worker
Monday, June 11, 2012
"Quotes Kept Close"
Digging through a pile of old stuff the other day and I came across a notebook that I titled, “Quotes Kept Close” and instantly starting browsing through the pages. I wrote down quotes from movies, books, friends, love interests, lovies and so on. Here are some of my favorite:
“Love should be given freely” – Desmond Tutu
“How weightless words are when nothing will do” Philip Levine
“But he reached for her hand and she reached for his hand and they leaped out the window, holding hands” – Brian Doyle (9/11)
“Me – what do you want to do tonight? Alex – have so much fun!” hehe
“Style alone constitutes a writers biography” – Gail Sher
“Sometimes I like to just sit by myself and think” – Friend, Abby Reid
“Once all of your tears dry, let your troubles roll by” – Carbon Leaf song
“City life: millions of people being lonely together” – Thoreau
“When I’m with you the world feels bigger and better” – Mike (bf) I love that my 20 yr old heart wanted to keep this quote close.. 
“Pretty girls shouldn’t have to open doors” – Dave (boy) I’m sure this made my heart swell!
“Should I have slept with him” – L (friend) LOVE this because who else should you have to ask that question to besides yourself!? haha College years, gotta love them.
“Every phase in life is enjoyable because you’re in it” – My Mom! 
“I’ll walk away with you, we can hold hands” – Me to L. Friendship matters when love is failing.
“No matter where the mind goes, the heart always remembers” – Me to myself. Da and Alzheimers.
“I”m grumpy. My computer isn’t working and I’ve got the hiccups.” – Jackie
“I spoke Hebrew to them and they got boners” – Stacy – no idea what this is from but I laughhh. haha
“The sky is the hemline to heaven” – From the novel, “Loving Frank”.
“What Lyndsey was trying to say to me before, while she was trying to flatter me. Well, I could say the same about you, you don’t realize how great you are.” – Michael T. Such a sweet and clear memory for me.
“If you worry about all the what-if’s, you’ll miss all the could-be’s.” – Andy (bf)
“The most important decision a person will ever make is choosing the right person to spend the rest of their life with.” – Mom
“Wow, look at the waterfalls (on the side of the highway), it’s like we’re in the rain forest!” – Mattie
“To have faith is to believe unconditionally” – The Four Agreements (novel)
This post has reignited my interest is quote keeping. I think I’ll pull out this little notebook for good.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
9 am wake up.
10 am pancakes (w/nutella – awesome) and Sunday Morning tv.
11 am shower.
12 pm TO THE BEACH. (yes, it’s purposely in caps – 1st beach day of the year folks!)
1 pm FINALLY found parking. (in caps to emphasize frustration. gah)
Sisterly happiness for a couple hours and with the bf too! Soft serve, clams, sand and beach day traffic. Summer is here.
3:30 pm resting on the couch from my long, arduous day.
5 pm a bit of work.
6 pm make some dinner for the boy and I.
7 pm bad, scary movie. Highlight was when George got the goosebumps from it and I didn’t!! :-p
9 pm bedtime.
10 am pancakes (w/nutella – awesome) and Sunday Morning tv.
11 am shower.
12 pm TO THE BEACH. (yes, it’s purposely in caps – 1st beach day of the year folks!)
1 pm FINALLY found parking. (in caps to emphasize frustration. gah)
Sisterly happiness for a couple hours and with the bf too! Soft serve, clams, sand and beach day traffic. Summer is here.
3:30 pm resting on the couch from my long, arduous day.
5 pm a bit of work.
6 pm make some dinner for the boy and I.
7 pm bad, scary movie. Highlight was when George got the goosebumps from it and I didn’t!! :-p
9 pm bedtime.
It’s tough being me, I gotta tell ya.
Days like today are worth blogging about
Things I know :
1. Modern Family is on tonight and from 9 to 9:30 I will be laughing my tush off!
2. My closet is always going to seem bare on days that I’m indecisive and/or grumpy. Most mornings start off with me carefully shifting around pieces of clothing in my closet (as if the assortment changes on a daily basis), whispering to myself, “hmm what am I going to wear”… it’s to the point where George now mocks me for it. On grumpier days its, “ughh, I have NOTHING to wear!”. Working on the whole tantrum thing :/
3. There was a point at dinner last night where George grabbed my hand and we were both thinking about how much we mean to one another.
4. I over-think everything and under value myself. I struggle with allowing myself to believe I’m worth a decent salary or that my thoughts are as great/important as my coworkers. Too often do I question myself and it REALLY has to stop. Like right now. 
5. Lastly, George is running late and I’m sitting on our steps (locked out of apartment) with a box of Oreos, this, my friends is bad news! “I know” they will be thoroughly enjoyed!!
Why Hello, have we met before?
Round 2.
Blogging gives me such sweet satisfaction, it’s amazing to me how long I’ve been able to go without it. I suppose, like most things, it’s all about timing. Timing has brought me back to blogging – everything else in my life is moving forward, so why should my blogging stay paused?
So, I’m back to the blogosphere with a new title, and newly found motivation to keep this part of me alive simply because it makes me happy 
Other things that make me happy right now:
Mumford & Sons on Pandora (quite literally, “right now”).
The pre-battered chicken I bought for dinner tonight.
An old friendship, once badly bruised, now slowly regaining strength.
This blog:
My Mom’s happiness and ability to ask for help when life gets to be too much.
A new outlook on my boyfriends obsession with Ulitmate Frisbee (yes, it’s a real sport, one that he plays multiple times a week!).
Birchbox is coming this week – I’m sometimes a bit materialistic. Getting goodies of an unknown nature is so much fun!
My sister, Mattie’s text, “Getting my nose pierced in 15 mins…didn’t tell Mom, Lord help me”. Well, can’t say I’m upset to be missing out on the dinner conversation tonight…
It’s June 4th and summer weather is surely just around the corner 
What is making you happy today?
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
To Grandmothers House We Go!
Last weekend was spent in a car, with my parents and my 5 year old sister - I loved it :)
I mean, sure there were a few moments of despair, frustration, whiplash and tension but besides all that it really was so much fun! haha The trip was long overdue.
It is truly unbelievable how strong and, as my mom put it, "resilient" my Grandmother is. She thanks God for her good fortunes and feels so "blessed", and although it warms all our hearts to hear this, we also are astounded by these words. This is a woman who has lost so much in her life, has felt so much pain and sorrow; there are not many people I know that would feel this way after losing a child to drowning or another to a life of mishap and drugs. Then there is Grandmas daughter, Kelly, who has a daughter with severe autism (Grandma is actually a "step-grandmother" and we don't see her family all that often), and it was truly eyeopening to watch this family not only function but actually thrive to an extent that I cannot imagine being able to do. As I watched Kelly's husband carry his 9 year old daughter up to bed I was literally dumbfounded by the pettiness of some of the things I became upset with earlier that week. Life has such a way of putting things into perspective when you need it to.
The trip was so good for my parents and I - WE are the ones who are "blessed". So blessed to have Grandma Anne in our lives.
In other news, George and I have seriously started to look into apartment have are having some great luck so far! Exciting and "blessed" times :)
I mean, sure there were a few moments of despair, frustration, whiplash and tension but besides all that it really was so much fun! haha The trip was long overdue.
It is truly unbelievable how strong and, as my mom put it, "resilient" my Grandmother is. She thanks God for her good fortunes and feels so "blessed", and although it warms all our hearts to hear this, we also are astounded by these words. This is a woman who has lost so much in her life, has felt so much pain and sorrow; there are not many people I know that would feel this way after losing a child to drowning or another to a life of mishap and drugs. Then there is Grandmas daughter, Kelly, who has a daughter with severe autism (Grandma is actually a "step-grandmother" and we don't see her family all that often), and it was truly eyeopening to watch this family not only function but actually thrive to an extent that I cannot imagine being able to do. As I watched Kelly's husband carry his 9 year old daughter up to bed I was literally dumbfounded by the pettiness of some of the things I became upset with earlier that week. Life has such a way of putting things into perspective when you need it to.
The trip was so good for my parents and I - WE are the ones who are "blessed". So blessed to have Grandma Anne in our lives.
In other news, George and I have seriously started to look into apartment have are having some great luck so far! Exciting and "blessed" times :)
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Moley, Moley, Mole!
There's nothing like getting off the phone with a friend and thinking, "I'm so happy she's still in my life", which is exactly how I felt today.
This is a friend who's in my life via "texting" most weeks and then maybe we'll get a good phone convo in twice a month? So no, we aren't attached at the hip but when we do get a chance to sit down and catch up it is just perfect. We understand each others priorities in life and encourage one another to challenge ourselves as daughters, sisters, friends, girlfriends and most of all, women. We are on our way to having it all and it's so nice to know she is rooting for me, just as I am rooting for her.
This friend of mine is getting married this Fall and I could not be more thrilled for her. My hope for her is that she is able to look past all the tiny details and focus on this amazing time in her life. It's a time where you are vowing to be a better person that you already are, a more selfless, committed and compassionate person - when I put it that way it sounds scary as shit!! :) But if anyone can do it she can and I couldn't be more happy for her.
Now excuse me, I really need to go bufanna...
Classy Times:
- wine out of a water bottle
- re-watching the housewives, immediately after the first airing
- you puke in the toilet, I've got the sink
- lets chop up some raw onions and throw them in the boiling water - yum.
- bra-less hug!
- "you're a racist!" hehe
- "happpppy birthdayyyy mr. president..." poor Frank
- cuddling for body warmth in our freezing apartment
- underwear down the toilet - I know you did it!
- double orange creamsicle shots please (got our country on!)
- too many bad cab experiences to count, all of them going badly because of me...
Lots of fun! :)
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The Big V
Today is Valentine's Day and besides the incessant amount of flowers I've noticed everywhere, it doesn't really feel like it. Perhaps it has something to do with telling my boyfriend not to do anything special, "save your money", or perhaps it has to do with my boyfriend being horribly sick yesterday, or perhaps it has something to do with us being in different states today or lastly, perhaps it has something to do with the awful fight we got into over the weekend and the inability to see beyond those moments of anger and onto the day of love that was just ahead of us...
Or maybe, it just doesn't feel like Valentine's Day because to me, it's not a big deal and never really has been?
It could be a combination of all these things but I do know one thing for certain, from here on out I will not be telling my boyfriend, "don't worry hon, let's not celebrate" because my goodness, saying no to your boyfriend when he's offering to do something nice... well, that's just stupid.
Babe, here we are TWO years and 1 day later and we are still kickin' it :) Every awful fight (including this past one), every silly moment, every decision we make together, every shared experience, every conversation and every kiss, brings us one step closer to the strongest most united relationship I've ever been in. Something tells me we're going places...perhaps all the way to the moon and back ;)
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
That moment when...
You realize you've forgotten to pack a bra in your gym bag and are forced to wear your stinky, sweaty sports bra all day.
Happy Tuesday!
Happy Tuesday!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Go, Aubrey Go!
This is the mantra I hear during my runs. Although I'm a big fan of self motivation and enthusiasm, most the times I'm thinking to myself, "would ya shut up". It would be nice if I could go for a run without actually thinking about the fact that I'm would surely be nice. Anyways, I actually really did have a good run today. It was beautiful out, I was going at a good clip (thanks to my sweet mantra) and it just felt nice.
In other news, Social Media Marketing is my career of choice. Found something that I love to do and it feels GREAT. It also feels GREAT to have the support of my friends and family. It also feel GREAT to be working on a project with my brothers awesome girlfriend! I'm so over the moon with it all, it feels like I've found my niche and its GREAT! =)
Before I start to really bore anyone reading this I suppose I should wrap this up.
One more thing.
Maybe not EVERY day but I find at least once a week is a great way to keep things steady...
In other news, Social Media Marketing is my career of choice. Found something that I love to do and it feels GREAT. It also feels GREAT to have the support of my friends and family. It also feel GREAT to be working on a project with my brothers awesome girlfriend! I'm so over the moon with it all, it feels like I've found my niche and its GREAT! =)
Before I start to really bore anyone reading this I suppose I should wrap this up.
One more thing.
Maybe not EVERY day but I find at least once a week is a great way to keep things steady...
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Happiness comes when you are at peace with all aspects of your life.
(At least thats what I believe happiness is).
And I am.
(Right now, anyways).
SO I thought it was time to say Hello and work at making this stick. "This" as in, this blog.
The thing is, I love blogging and when I don't blog, I feel guilty. Yes, I literally feel guilty about not keeping this blog alive. I'm not doing it for anyone but myself but I still feel guilty - crazy!
So I'm back because life is good and I want to remember all the good times (and even the not so good times).
'Til tomorrow....
That enthusiastic cheer is for my boyfriend ;)
(At least thats what I believe happiness is).
And I am.
(Right now, anyways).
SO I thought it was time to say Hello and work at making this stick. "This" as in, this blog.
The thing is, I love blogging and when I don't blog, I feel guilty. Yes, I literally feel guilty about not keeping this blog alive. I'm not doing it for anyone but myself but I still feel guilty - crazy!
So I'm back because life is good and I want to remember all the good times (and even the not so good times).
'Til tomorrow....
That enthusiastic cheer is for my boyfriend ;)
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