The past couple weeks have been a whirlwind. I feel as though I am going thru the motions but not really experiencing them, if that makes sense? Need to learn to let go and embrace the fact that there is some plan set in motion for me and I will eventually fall into step with it.
This past weekend G and I spent the entire weekend together and weren't, completely, at each others throats so I think thats a good sign :) Started off the weekend with a short run (moved verrrry slowly), dinner, walked down to the main drag for some asian styled dessert and then topped off the night with a movie (10pm showing I might add - felt way cool). Saturday we actually slept it! It was a miracle, when I discovered it was 10 am I couldn't believe it. My internal clock typically has me dragging myself out of bed by 9 am the latest. What was suppose to be a cheap, relaxing weekend turned into a slightly expensive/stressful one. On our way to Walden pond, G's car started to act funny. So we made a pit stop at Sears and came to find out the battery died, right then and there in the parking lot. I was reminded of the goodness of people when as we sat there trying to figure out a solution to our problem a car pulled up asking if we needed help; not knowing what the exact problem was we politely said no. We headed into Sears to find some tools and some stranger overheard our convo and offered his services. Being a mechanic we accepted his offer and before we knew it he had taken out our old battery and installed a new one. Crazy! It really is amazing how kind and generous people are. Over and over again I find myself in awe. Lately, during this upsetting and chaotic time in my life people have truly shown me what compassion is all about. I am so grateful :0)
So we continued our voyage to Walden pond, found a place to plant ourselves and finally found some relaxation! That is until little black bugs continued to incessantly drop on our blanket, inevitably leaving me with the heebie jeebies :-/
Next up was dinner with Cully Wully and his girlfriend Lauren (Cully Wully = Cullen my lil brother). We made pizza, walked down for an ice cream cone and ended the evening with an episode from Pillars of the Earth; a novel by Ken Follet that was recently made into a mini series. The movie is good but man oh man, if you want a thrilling/adventerous/love story you must buy the book. I promise, you won't be disappointed!
Sunday was spent GeoCaching (finding treasures in the woods!), great way to spend a couple hours. Check it out, and was followed by a short run and a quick peak into Payless which surprised me with some of their fall shoes. Some pretty cute flats! Lastly, I started organizing picutures. Found some real keepers...
Classic Cull - so goofy! (the blondie)
Definitely his granddaughter!
Mamarita! My aunt looks so pretty in this one :)
Happy Hump Day Everyone!! |